As a part of the coaching experience, we often offer clients suggested readings and activities that build on the learning from the coaching dialogue. Browse through some of our favorite resources paired with a brief description of what we find beneficial with them.
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Strengths Based Leadership, by Tom Rath
Most of our coaching work with both individuals and teams is grounded in a strengths based approach that uses the starting point of what is right with a client, or with a team, and then move to what is possible. We provide workshops based on strengths that are powerful in transforming both self-perspective and team dynamics.
Leadership from the Inside Out, by Kevin Cashman
We use this book to deepen clients’ awareness that personal mastery is a life long journey of intrigue and fun. From this perspective, growth and development from any career stage becomes a curiosity as opposed to a burden. The most successful leaders often know this and are open to ongoing discovery in all areas of their life.
Quiet Leadership, by David Rock
We use this book as an introduction to the neurological impact of growth and development. This includes the concept of neuroplasticity and the fact that we can actually change old thought and behavior patterns that serve us. We also like this book because it sets up a framework for use questions and deep listening as tools of great leadership.
Crucial Conversations, by Kerry Patterson, Joseph Grenny, Ron McMillan, Al Switzler, and Stephen R. Covey
We use the concepts of this book to drive the structuring of critical conversations. For example, when there is ‘an elephant in the room’ what is the most effective approach to naming and claiming the issue in a way that is safe for all parties.
The Leadership Challenge, by Kouze and Posner
We like this book that stresses that leadership can be learned and provides a framework of 5 key leadership practices. This book is dense with content and often we use a single diagram from the book to drive client conversations.
The Five Dysfunctions of a Team, by Patrick Lencioni
We use concepts of this book when coaching teams to drive discussion about requirements for a functioning team. This facilitates discovery of team goals for transitioning along the continuum from good to great.
The Next Level, by Scott Eblin
The book provides a helpful framework for how a leader’s focus must change as they transition from one level to the next. It also provides a Life GPS that is a helpful framework for clients to see where they are versus where they want to be.
Deep Change, by Robert E. Quinn
Chapter 5 in this book on vitality is only a few pages long and has been a high impact resource for clients suffering the consequences of burnout. While working hard originally leads to success, at some point more and more becomes - too much. As they work harder, they become more rigid, less effective and both work and home life suffers. Restoring balance leads to less work and improves productivity, happiness and satisfaction in the domains of both work and home life.
Wherever You Go There You Are, by Jon Kabat-Zinn
Provides a terrific overview of meditation and the concepts and impact of being centered and grounded as a leader. An area that many clients have never considered, we help them start the process of awareness about what grounded versus not grounded feels like, and then begins the life-long process of mastering and refining these skills.
Drive, by Daniel Pink
Identifies three drivers that motivate the 21st century workforce – autonomy, mastery and purpose. This provides a framework for improving productivity, satisfaction and happiness in the work place, and supports a discovery process about generational distinctions.
“Coaching delivers improved management performance, helps executives manage business complexity, and accelerates leadership development”
- Harvard Business Review Research Report